Update Terbaru sumber blogBlog viral Update Terbaru sumber blogBlog viral Update Terbaru sumber blogBlog viral Update Terbaru sumber blogBlog viral Sebelum ini kami pernah kongsikan gambar baby comel terbang. Kali ini kami nak kongsikan pula bagaimana ekspresi wajah bayi comel bila apabila mereka merasa buah lemon yang masam buat pertama kali dalam hidup mereka. Gambar ini semua diambil oleh jurugambar, David Wile. Semoga anda terhibur.
Starting to make its way around the web is this incredibly adorable series called Pucker of babies sucking on lemons for the very first time. Photographer David Wile captured the babies' priceless expressions which will make you do everything from purse your own lips to laugh out loud. Wearing just a bib on top and set against a blue background, the babies really show all of their emotions. Of course, it's safe to say that no babies were harmed in this production. In fact, some even seemed to enjoy the sensory shocking experience!

If you'll remember, David Wile is the same photographer who was behind Splash, the fun photo series documenting the hilarious expressions of people and animals who got a bucket of water poured on their heads. My guess is that he loves seeing authentic reactions.

Waaaa, adik tertipu asamnya
rilekla bro,.......... teman ok aje
aaa........... rasanya boleh la...
mike dah tak ingin rasa lagi.......... sapa mahu angkat tangan
apa menatang yang aku makan ni
posing je lebih
amboiiiiii... senyum sampai tak nampak biji mata....... limau tu rasa manis ke
makn pakai tangan kanan la baby hehe

relax je makan hehe
suka dapat lemon ye
David Wile's website/ CISDEL
Update Terbaru sumber blogBlog viral Update Terbaru sumber blogBlog viral Update Terbaru sumber blogBlog viral Update Terbaru sumber blogBlog viral

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